Sunday, November 23, 2003

Another weekend has come and gone...and I am on but the footsteps of doom. Black Friday is upon me. No worries much as I dread it, I know we'll get through it. Had a pretty good day, swimming with the manatee's was great. Plus swimming helps get rid of that good ol' sexual frustration. I swam and swam and swam. And to top it off...swam some more! I saw a man sleeping on a bench in Princeton today...I thought Princeton bussed their homeless people out...oh well. Probably going to Top Dog on Wed. night! I doubt I will stay long or drink much, but I'll need a swig of grandpa's cough medicine after work. I really could go for some Longbottom Leaf right now....or some Old Tobey. Damnit! Must fight urge...

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

People named its Sexiest Man of the Year today....and again I was shut out! I demand a recount! Flab is fab!

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Well another Saturday has come and gone and we're another day closer to the silly season. D-day is Nov. 28...the day I disappear. Well I had a great weekend. Saturday rocked as I went home. And what was awaiting me when I went home? Why free food of course! A free dinner is always a good dinner, and I would like anyone to try and debate me on that one. I met one of my sister's male co-workers...and the man that must give my sister's boyfriend chills every time he knows that my sister is out with this particular co-worker. I was informed that apparently my ability to dress myself is inadequate. I've always lived by the motto "one leg at a time" whether talking about life, women, or putting my pants on. Unfortunately my pants just weren't long enough, hence the ridicule. Not to worry, the fashion police raced to Old Navy and by the next day I had new clothes in hand. Sisters are great at honesty and damnit my sister didn't hold back. After the clothing capers; (look I used a semi colon!) myself, Jon, and his sister Rachel went to see Elf starring Frank the Tank aka Will Ferrell. Awesome movie if you haven't seen it. In between Rachel's naps...I was questioned on when my bladder would enable us to get our free refill...but huzzah, the bladder held. After Elf, I saw Jon's new digs (the semi-moved in version). If the boxes upon boxes of Vaseline weren't scary enough, the lack of a couch shocked and appalled me. If somebody can donate a couch to the J. Chain Foundation of lost couches, please do and hurry...for an uncomfy ass is a terrible thing to waste. After that, onto The Roadhouse! Formerly the Armadillo roadhouse. Personally I think this building exists in some sort of parallel universe where Jon and I are awesome at pool, because we lost one on a scratch, won two in a row, and finally succumbed in the worst game of billiards played. I also found that no amount of alcohol could de-age of slim down the ladies of Roadhouse. It was as if all ugly girls converged in one place. Don't believe me? email for details.
Finally onto Sunday, the day of rest...and plenty of it! First I slept till 1130, which made up for the lack of sleep I've received for the rest of the week. I finally got my ass in gear to head up to The Tap Room, but then realized I left my door open all night! or at least i cracked open in the night. I called my Triple A helpers and they must have been the most pleasant employees of AAA I ever ran across...they were polite, they talked stuff other than cars (note: talking about cars around me usually results in complete silence and a subtle farting noise), just all around good people. Went swimming for a good 40 minutes and showed up some guy that decided he didn't have to ask me to share my lane. Unfortunately after swimming I had to go back into the locker room and watch out for guys that do things in the nude that just should be done in the shaving! Well...some shaving should be done in the nude, but not facial hair a public (bet some of you made sure I didn't say pubic there, relax I proofread) area. Have some decency...put on a damn towel. Kristin also brought a live tree home...and she some how expects me to keep 2 trees alive. Tree #2 is of course the Xmas tree that will be arrivng in a few weeks. The onslaught of needles and leaves should bring on some pleasant discussions from both of us. OH and I'm going to pull a Willard Scott on you guys...Happy Birthday to Josephine McCauley, 81 years young! That's all I got, thanks to all who made this weekend possible...especially my boss at work, who gave me it off. Later guys!