Monday, April 02, 2007

Beach Blanket Bozo

This post is admittedly late, as I've been slacking of late on this blog thing. By "as of late" I mean for approximately 8 months. Anyway, I was at the beach last week, just enjoying some good friends and some good sun, when a situation arose that just made me think "now that's a great moment in stupidity". Some yokel decided to back his truck up to the surf (I'd like to first point out that you aren't supposed to drive on the beach in Jacksonville) then proceeded to get his truck stuck on a sand bar. As the tide crept in and the value of the car crept out, I just couldn't help but sit there and watch...along with about 70+ other people on the beach. I think the car was in the water a good 20-30 minutes before the cops arrived, and the arrived with a digital camera and no way of getting the vehicle out. Finally when other citizens arrived with a 4x4 and some chain did the truck finally make it's way off the sandbar. What's the lesson here? if you see a white ford F150 from Duval county show up in your local Auto Trader, you might want to Car Fax that and not believe that whole "new car smell" quote on there.

A final recap: God almighty I wish I hadn't ruined my camera phone cause this a thing that truly needed to be shown to the world.