Thursday, January 26, 2006

Blog Not Worthy

This blog is simply being written to let eveyone know that all is well with me, just nothing new/exciting to report.
I did get an IPOD, so of course as with every piece of new technology that I get my hands on, I'm addicted. Steve Jobs will rule the universe soon enough and he'll rule with music supplied by ITunes, IPod and Wyld Stallions. Bogus!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

2006 AD or the Year of The Rooster

Another year gone, and another year arrives. If there is but one constant it is my inability to post with any sense of continuity.
2005 was a pretty good year by any standard, but let me run down some of the things that happened in '05

-The biggest thing to happen was my move to Florida or "God's waiting room". Compelled by change I packed up from NJ and headed south. Bumps occur in any road, and I'd be lying if I said there weren't any, but I feel confident in my decision to stay in the South where the pace of life is of a higher quality than that of the "go until you need angioplasty" pace of the North. This is not to say my quality of work has suffered, rather I try to be more dilligent in creating a more equal balance of working smarter rather than harder.
-Missing of family and friends around the holidays
Probably the hardest part of the move is the lack of family and longterm friendships formed over my 12 years in New Jersey. I figure to see most of these people again but not with any frequency until they start complaining about the cold in their mid 60's and decide that it's time to retire at least 6 months of the year to Florida. At which point I'll be here lying in wait. Or at least I'll have the oxygen tanks ready for some kick ass 4PM early bird specials!
-Warm weather...need of deoderant on my balls. Sure I'm stealing that line from Lewis Black but it's a good line. For anyone looking to visit your best bet for beautiful but comfortable weather is late March to mid June and then Sept till mid Nov. In between it's super hot in the summer or actually a little cool outside although I have yet to see freezing temps. Yes, that's right my nips have not been hardened yet.

Now here's some things on tap for 2006
-Jon and Jackie's Weddingpalooza '06. Sure to be a great time and joyous time filled with booze, food, and most important of all smiles and laughs with friends.

-Pats 3 peat? Can they do the "unpossible"? version 4.0 or better known through it's alternative title "how to kill about 5 minutes a day"

-Losing more weight. I've made a slow, steady descent to my current weight of 210. 30 pounds since April. Albeit, not as fast as I want to lose weight (I'd prefer about 5 lbs a month) it is probably healthier not to lose weight too fast. Two goals for the year. 190's by Jon's wedding. 170's by the end of the year. I've also managed to shed 5 inches off the waist so far, so the Salvation Army can soon look forward to receiving some pre-Subway Jared sized pants.

-More smiles, less worries. Life goes on everyday. Either you get run over or you roll with it. No problem is too great that there isn't a solution. No ditch too deep you can't build a ladder to get out of it. Work hard, have faith, and keep an even head about things. There's only so much you can control, the rest just happens. Never give anything less than your best, you're cheating yourself and the rest of us.

-I'd like to thank everyone for making a great '05 and here's to wishing everybody a great '06. Anyone that wants to talk I'm merely a phonecall or email away.

Happy New Year
