Saturday, September 10, 2005

Return of The Jehovah

Today I was sitting around, enjoying a day off. Getting stuff done, ya know? Cleaning the kitchen, gymming it, etc. When all of the sudden the Jehovah's from a few weeks ago decided to come back to my door step. I figured I had a few options:
1. Answer the door speaking gibberish
2. Run like a bat out of hell
3. Poop myself
4. Don't answer the door

After a careful inner debate, I decided not to answer the door. I knew what they were here to do. They were here to talk to me about what they came to talk to me about a few weeks ago: fear. And now with Hurricane Katrina hitting I'm sure they would have been armed with a new "fear" topic. I can't stand people that come to my door and push their views about religion on me. I don't believe in churches and giving money to churches. I do believe in a "God" or "greater being" and that we do go somewhere after death...whether its being reincarnated or to heaven I still haven't decided, it's probably somewhere in between. Like after you have lived so many lives and been a "good" person for all of them, you get to advance, kinda like a video game. But, I really don't want to get into that. You're probably saying "Ryan you're a monster they probably want a donation for katrina". Well I gave already, and I'll probably give again after my next paycheck so poopy on you!

In other news, I just wanted to give a heads up to anyone that reads this to the group "Snow Patrol". They're worth a listen to, and check out the song "Run" if you really want to get hooked. That's all from Florida, where we just dodged Ophelia.

G'day mates.