Thursday, May 26, 2005

Toe Boy!

What better way to use the first blog from Florida, then to use it for talking about my in grown toenail removal! Who's with me? C'mon!
So I walked in expecting not the best situation considering the comments I've gotten from a few people that have had one removed before. My greatest fear was that they'd have to take the whole toenail. That would kinda put a damper on what little social life I manage to maintain.
When the doctor came in she warned me the greatest pain would not come from the actual removal, but rather the local anesthesia needed to numb the toe. "about 2-3 shots should numb it". Half a bottle of xylocaine later, my toe was numb and I was on cloud nine! I lost track of shots but I had at least 6 shots of the stuff. And she wasn't lying, the first 5 shots were some of the most painful shots I've ever had. For some reason, I needed to watch the shots, which goes against my natural instinct with shots, which is to turn away. This time I wanted to know when to brace for it. As for the actual toenail removal, I looked away. My view of surgery is no matter how minor it is, unless you're planning to perform the task, there's no need to watch it. I couldn't feel anything by that point anyway so what's the point. After that, I had nothing to do for the rest of the day, so I went and saw Revenge of the Sith. Awesome movie, made up for the past 2 disasters in cinema that Lucas managed to spin into huge money makers. That's pretty much it. Everything in Florida is a-ok. And the water temp is up to 74. Laters!