Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Pay It Forward Here

That's right. Over 70,000 people have perished so far during the recent Tsunami/Earthquake disaster in Southeast Asia. For me, it's time to show that this American can still be great. I may not be able to volunteer, but I have donated monetarily. Think of this on the scale of that this maybe be anywhere from 50 to 100 times the amount of lives lost on September 11th. These countries aren't able to cope with such a tragedy as easily as we would be able to. They simply do not have the resources.I'm not going to get preachy and telemarketish on all of you, but here are some places where you can donate.

These are just a few, and there are plenty of other great ones. Helping out is what matters.



Oh I forgot, As always don't forget the mayo during New Years...the world needs mayo. Goulet.

In case I don't get a chance, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year's. Compliments of "That Guy"

Monday, December 27, 2004

What I Picture Jon's Wedding To Be

Posted by Hello

A Christmas (and A Lot More) Story

So I haven't blogged in awhile, although I have been blogging regularly in life.
But I suppose there's a lot to catch up on, and my memory from some weekends are pretty blurry. I'll try to write what I can remember, but if I misplace the order on things or get things completely incorrect I am not holding myself responsible. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, THAT'S RIGHT YOU!
Alright, so 3 weeks ago I got to spend a night in the ER! And trust me, it's nothing like the show. The only drama that occurred was when a vending machine ate a quarter. So I guess you would like to know if I was sick? Well it was actually my sister, who had been puking all day and got dehydrated. What is it with people around me getting dehydrated? First Ian in the summer and now my sister. FLUIDS PEOPLE, THEY'RE CALLED FLUIDS! Your body needs them and I haven't met a physician that didn't recommend them. It's not like when they say 4/5 physicians recommend Crest over other toothpastes. I think I slept an hour in a chair with my head tilted back against the wall that night, while we waited for my sis's blood test results. So, I was very chipper the next day at Dick's (part time only). Shoes? You want shoes? get outta here you filthy animal!
The weekend after that (the 18th?) I went down to Belmar for Kristin's B-day (27th b-day). It was the first time I'd been to my old roomie's new digs since she moved out. And I can understand why she moved out! Well, besides the fumes that eminated from my room. The house is incredible. What an awesome situation for a teacher to live in, a house near the beach. And it's not just like a sea shanty, it's a really nice house. So kudos to her and my other friend Kerri on finding that place. But anyway, I decided to play a game called "Shot Checkers" that night. Luckily I only played with shots of beer, because if you played this game with shots of alcohol, I'd probably still be sleeping it off. Pretty much when you jump a piece, do a shot. King someone double shot. But if you don't drink your pieces fast enough, you have to drink some more so you get additional pieces. It's crazy! After some pregaming, we all went to some place called "Headliners" I believe (hey, I said some of it is blurry). I had a few Jack and cokes and ended up on the dance floor. Note: no people were harmed in my latest turn on the dance floor. After that, went back to the house for some good ol' fashioned sleeping. Unfortunately, I fell asleep before most people and I hear there are pictures of me with an eye patch and a pirate hat on somewhere. But a great time had by all.
Finally, we reach C-day. Christmas. Well actually, on the 23rd my best friend Jon called me around 11pm to let me know he just got engaged. After ensuring that he was sober, I congratulated him. (Just kidding big guy!, seriously CONGRATULATIONS!) I was also informed that I would be co-best man. Above this blog, I've added a pic to demonstrate what I think Jon's wedding will look like. And of course I'm working on my speech's what I have so far: True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend... "...ok, I admit, it's a work in progress, but it's a start.
Ok, now to Christmas. I got a lot of clothes, some dvds, a St. Patty's day Red Sox hat, and some money. All in all a great day! Tried watching Napolean Dynamite last stinks! I like some shitty movies and movies considered "indie", but I didn't like this movie at all. We were originally going to go see Meet The Fockers, but that sold out. And some Blockbuster guy tried telling us that saying "Focker" wasn't appropriate. Whatever. You know, If I actually said the f-word, then you'd be in the right, but we were talking about a movie. Alright I best be going. Enjoy this update...who knows when it will occur again.