Sunday, October 31, 2004

What Would Jesus Do?

So I'm driving home on Sunday night, and I think to myself.."what's up with the phrase 'What would Jesus do?'".
I think that might be one of the most silly things to ask yourself in a situation. First of all, if you're in situation that is bad enough where you have to ask that question, you're in a situation that Jesus would never find himself in as an all-knowing being.
Now ignoring the fact that Jesus wouldn't ever find himself in everyday situations, how would Jesus actually handle these situations. Like say Jesus racked up credit card debt? What would Jesus do there? Well, he'd probably go back in time and make it so he didn't rack up said credit card debt, or possibly as a god-like being, he could simply make any item he needed. Now that would be what Jesus would do. Does that sound like something a human would be able to do? No, so what is the point of this question "What would Jesus Do".
Hey, I've only got water, but I want to drink...well Jesus would make wine! Once again, as a mortal, you would be hard pressed to make wine out of water...maybe if you had some grapes, an old Italian lady with no shoes, and a giant vat to crush grapes in, you'd have a start. But otherwise, you might as well go get some Crystal Light and deal.
So once again, someone starts something to make money off of Jesus...much like catholism and the whole notion that to worship the lord you need overdone buildings of worship. I'm looking at you Vatican! Maybe all that money to build those places could actually be used to help humans that need help. Oh well, I guess that would be a decision for Jesus. BA ZING!