Monday, January 26, 2004

I find it funny that I made a promise to blog more frequently right before the busiest time of the year in retail and haven't made a post until now, almost the end of January. Oh well, what can you do except pray that I made it out happy and hearty again. Many great things have happened since I last blogged....and some ungreat things. But the hell with the ungreat things, look past your problems and find your solution. That's my motto or so I think! Big Fish and Return of the King rocked it and made up for the terrible taste of Matrix Revolting. I had many awesome times with friends and the Pats are in the Super Bowel again. I'm losing weight and hope to get down to the 160's by the middle of summer. But who the hell knows if that will happen, I just plan on trying and trying and swimming and swimming....I figure if I can lose weight with the amount of time I'm spending in the water I'll prune up and can be a new California raisin. I spent an entire day sitting on Saturday after drinking like crazy on friday night. I've learned that my body is just not up to heavy drinking anymore. Saw Adam Ferrara with Putz and Alex and he is the second best comic I've seen at Stress Factory...ok so he was the Second comic I've seen there, but hey who's counting!I do have one bad thing to write about and then I'm gone for now hopefully with more coherent and entertaining blogs....but 60 year old women don't belong in bikinis ok! Gravity isn't helping you besides making sure you don't fly into space at that age. Eureka baby!